Yes, Mother: 3 Meeting Budget Tips from Popular TV Moms

TV moms, budget tips, meeting budget, meeting budget tips, Modern Family, Claire Dunphy, Lorelai Gilmore, Marie Baron, TV mom advice
Modern Family; Photo Credit: Alex Oliveira/

With Mother’s Day fast approaching, it’s time to take some time and listen to motherly advice from the most popular TV moms.

Here are three meeting budget tips for event planners looking to find ways to save at their next event.

Don’t Spoil Your Kids—or Attendees

Marie Barone from “Everybody Loves Raymond” poked fun at today’s children who are constantly rewarded for every little thing. She was quoted saying, “In my day, you had to earn a reward, and even then, you didn’t get it.” This same piece of advice goes for meeting planners giving gifts to attendees. The gift-giving tradition at events has become unnecessary and is one of the first ways planners can save. Most handouts end up in the trash or left in a hotel room at the end of the week anyways.

Manage Expectations to Save Money

Claire Dunphy, “Modern Family’s” popular jaded mother, explains in one episode that her children didn’t attend expensive preschools because her kids were “middle management material” at best and she didn’t want to waste a lot of money. While Claire’s practicality may come off as harsh, it’s wise advice to meeting planners who want to throw the biggest, flashiest event. It’s important to know your audience and manage attendee expectations to fit the company or organization for which you’re planning.

Cut Costs Using Creativity & Connections

Lorelai Gilmore from “Gilmore Girls” had to save as a single mother. She made her own clothes, stayed in and even trimmed bills by eating at Luke’s Diner. In one episode, Lorelai says, “[Luke] actually owes us a lot of money because we weren’t supposed to be tipping him all these years.” Meeting planners who have a do-it-yourself attitude and get creative by, say, using colorful food displays as centerpieces are invaluable. Same goes for those who use their connections to save. Partnering with sponsors to pay event amenities can help cut an event budget dramatically.

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