5 Professional Organizations That Offer Members Healthcare

healthcare, professional organizations, associations, meeting tips, industry news, Meeting Planners Unite
Healthcare; Photo Credit: Rawpixel/Unsplash

In mid-December, a federal judge in Texas ruled the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional, leading many to question exactly what would happen to their health insurance coverage if the law is upheld.

As such, meeting planners who are self-employed or work for small companies that don’t qualify for healthcare plans have started to turn to professional associations and organizations to get healthcare coverage. Here are five that currently offer healthcare benefits to members.

Meeting Planners Unite

This association just launched in 2018 as a result of the independent meeting planner commission cuts. It currently offers healthcare to its members, among other benefits, and plans to grow even more in 2019.

Alliance for Affordable Services

This not-for-profit organization helps provide businesses and small businesses access to health insurance and other benefits.

Small Business Service Bureau

Joining this national membership organization is specifically beneficial for small businesses looking to find affordable insurance coverage for businesses, individuals and families.

National Association for the Self-Employed

Meeting planners who are self-employed will benefit from joining NASE, which offers expert advice on starting a business as well as offering self-employed health insurance.

National Association of Female Executives

Female meeting planners who run their own businesses may be in luck if they join this association. While NAFE does not have its own insurance group per se, it does help provide competitive rates on health insurance to its members by partnering with companies like e-Health, JLT Services and John Alden Insurance.

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