Tag: Play with a Purpose
Learning by Doing: A New Way to Achieve Meeting ROI
At a recent Prevue webinar, Sharon Fisher, CEO of Play With a Purpose, shared the secrets of how to intertwine creativity, networking and learning.
Visit Orlando’s FAM Impresses
Visit Orlando recently sponsored a virtual FAM to get meeting and incentive planners prepared for upcoming gatherings in this popular destination.
5 Fun Virtual Teambuilding Experiences
One year of COVID has resulted in hundreds of creative virtual teambuilding ideas. Here are a few favorites from our editors.
Live and Virtual Teambuilding
In these times of virtual work, teambuilding has never been more important. We've compiled dozens of ideas, both live and online.
3 Remote Teambuilding Ideas
It's going to be a while before the kinds of teambuilding we were used to start up again. But that doesn't mean you can't do remote teambuilding
Introducing the 3rd Annual Transforming Meetings Summit!
Prevue's Transforming Meetings Summit will be packed with hands-on workshops and experiences that leave you with the tools you need to shake up your events.
5 Icebreaker Ideas That Can Actually Work
During breakout sessions, encourage people sitting at tables together to chat rather than text or get on Facebook.