Tag: omicron
Sorry, But COVID Is Still a Thing
COVID is a factor as the U.S. extends the public health emergency, countries institute testing requirements for visitors from China, and the emergence of a new variant has the WHO urging masking.
Is It Time to Mask Up Again?
Once again, meeting organizers are considering—and sometimes reinstating—mask requirements to combat the highly contagious BA.5 variant.
COVID and Events: Omicron Is Waning, But Don’t Relax Yet
COVID is on the wane, but event organizers still need a strategy to help mitigate COVID-related risk.
COVID Expert on Our New Reality
The days of expecting to be able to avoid anyone catching COVID at an event are probably over.
How to Make Events Safe in the Omicron Era: We Asked An Expert
Becky Fox, CEO of Vital Circle Health, shares how clients are using her company’s vaccine verification, testing and health and safety technology and services in the era of Omicron.
Our 5 Top Testing & Vaccination Articles
Testing & vaccination are on everyone's minds, as we realize that a multi-layered approach is the key to safe events.
How Omicron Is Affecting Early 2022 Events
While the Omicron variant has caused some delays in school and office re-openings, many events scheduled for early 2022 are still on.
5 Meeting Travel “What Ifs” Answered
5 "What-If" scenarios for meeting travel, including the big one: What happens if you or an attendee test positive while abroad?
Our Top 10 Stories of 2021
2021 was the year we learned how to safely restart meetings and events—and many of our top stories of the year were about how to successfully walk that fine line.
Caribbean COVID Entry Requirements — Know Before You Go
Here’s a snapshot of protocols in place at of few popular Caribbean meetings and incentive destinations.
Survey: Omicron’s Effect on Meetings
The majority of respondents to a recent Prevue survey said they were at least somewhat concerned about how Omicron could affect their meetings.