Tag: Inspiration Hub
Get Your “Hum” Back With Shonda Rhimes—a Real-Life “Yes” Woman
Meeting planners too often lose themselves in their work, especially before a big event. And lose their professional and personal "hum" in the process.
Hello, Siri: How Could Humanistic AI Change Event Networking?
Some are fearful AI will take over human jobs, while others are embracing the technology at an unprecedented rate.
The Secret to Living Longer Involves Meeting Face-to-Face
Do you ever wonder what it would take to live to 100 or beyond? The answer may lie in face-to-face contact.
Try Fear Setting Instead of Goal Setting to Achieve Success
Instead of goal setting, why don't you try fear setting this New Year's?
How Changing Your Mind Can Be Beneficial for Planners
What if being indecisive or changing your mind wasn’t necessarily a bad thing?
The Art of Zero Gravity Events
While there are tons of untried ideas out there, people too often simply reshuffle ideas that have already been proven to be 100 percent reliable in order to avoid failure.
What Is Your Event Doing to Curb Meetings Waste?
The state of California—known for its progressive recycling efforts—already shut down more than 450 recycling plants this year.
What Will the Next Generation of Exhibit Booths Look Like?
Everything from the use of 3D-printed booths and booths made of recycled materials will leave attendees questioning how trade shows were ever considered wasteful.
Design Thinking: A Creative Way for Planners to Get Unstuck
Thinking like a designer can help organizations develop products, services, processes and strategy by using creative tools—i.e., stories, drawings, stickers, you name it—to address challenges.
How to Manipulate Time to Your Advantage
“Over the long run we have the power to fill our lives with the things that deserve to be there.”
3 Tech Trends to Take Over Meetings in 2017
Face recognition systems are already available to determine someone’s gender, age, ethnicity and even mood.
How Mentoring Events Can Shape the Future of Meetings
Forming a mentor-mentee partnership can be beneficial to both parties.