Bridging the Gender Gap With Tips From the Characters of Glow

Glow, Meetings Mojo, meeting tips, gender gap, women, wrestling

Netflix’s latest hit series, “Glow,” literally puts women in the wrestling ring, while also discussing various issues that women face, not only in the film industry but in industries across the board.

While bridging the gender gap is no easy task, here are four tips from the characters of “Glow” on how meeting planners can start to do so at meetings and events.

Consider Working Mothers

While there are more men taking on caregiver roles than ever before, a lot of mothers are still left with a brunt of the work, especially single mothers. In “Glow,” Debbie (aka Liberty Belle) is going through a divorce and struggling to balance her time as a TV star and as a mother. She even brings her baby to the wrestling ring sometimes. Similarly, planners need to consider how to accommodate working mothers at their meetings. That could mean everything from creating more accommodating schedules to offering daycare or even simply having better remote connectivity for working mothers to still be in attendance, albeit not physically.

Encourage Negotiating Skills

One reason for the gender pay gap difference is due to working women not asking for more. Debbie again finds it challenging to ask for her role as producer and then ask to be included in major decisions once she has taken on that role. Planners can incorporate better education about negotiating into their events that can encourage women to feel more comfortable and even empowered when asking for more responsibility or pay.

Create a Mentoring Program

Women taking on typical male roles or working in typically male fields (science, technology, etc.) often find themselves isolated, which can hinder their ability to advance their careers. In “Glow,” Cherry (aka Junkchain) was a former stuntwoman who teaches the girls how to wrestle to make them marketable members of the show. Planners can similarly create a mentoring program through their meeting that encourages women to learn from each other and build a community of industry leaders similar to Women Moving Millions.

Engage Men

Asking men to speak up and provide support is another way to bridge the gender gap. In the show, the cast of “Glow” becomes like a family. SPOILER ALERT: The more the women tell Sam (the show’s director) and Bash (the show’s producer) about their issues facing sexual harassment and immigration, the more the men step up and support them. Similarly, planners can organize male panels or speakers to engage the audience to have a larger discussion. Even more, they could launch an initiative similar to UN Women’s HeForShe, which enlists men to take action and get more involved in gender equality issues.