Job Hunting Tips for Meeting Planners

ob hunting tips for meeting planners

In a recent FICP Zoom chat, co-facilitated by Prevue Editor Barbara Scofidio, participants openly shared career and job hunting tips for meeting planners and suppliers. Their honest insights are incredibly helpful for people searching for work and those considering a change.

There’s a lot to learn from a recent online chat among FICP members. Here are some job hunting tips for meeting planners:

  • Stay positive and keep things in perspective. One Day at a Time.
  • You are a combination of the top 5 people in your life.  Make sure you are surrounding yourself with positivity and use this time to create the very best version of yourself.
  • When you ask for advice, you get the opportunity.
  • Share job opportunities with industry colleagues when you come across them.
  • It’s okay to show your vulnerability and ask for help; conversely, it’s okay to get out of your comfort zone and offer help!
  • Create a Vision Board so you can work toward goals that fulfill you.
  • “Process, not Perfection”
  • It’s okay to pause your career; focus on the health and safety of you and your loved ones.
  • Connection is more important than ever, especially healthy ones! Make an effort to consistently stay in touch with contacts on LinkedIn, not just when you need a favor.
  • There are remote positions available, so be open to project work
  • Try LinkedIn’s classes (available with a premium subscription).
  • Use this time to ask people to provide LinekdIn recommendations.
  • Spend this time to finally get your certification(s).
  • Be open to learning a new skill that isn’t necessarily in our industry (i.e. building a web site, business development, software).
  • Take advantage of the reset to really think about what resonates with you. Have a Plan B. Be open, adaptive and flexible.
  • We are hard workers in this industry—used to working nights, weekends and holidays. We will do whatever it takes to get a job done. Remember that, in any job, is a huge plus.You Might Also Be Interested In

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