9 Wellness Tips to Improve Attendee ROI

wellness tips

Incorporate these wellness tips into the event by including elements of mindfulness, movement and brain-boosting nutrition to empower your attendees to increase their return on investment in your event.

One way to increase your attendees’ return on investment (ROI) for coming to your event is to incorporate wellness into the physical, social, spiritual, financial, environmental and nutritional aspects of your event. Here are a few sneak peeks on how to do just that from a whitepaper that will be profiled in an upcoming free Prevue webinar, Increasing ROI by Increasing Wellness, featuring Dave Stevens, Director Global Events & Field Marketing, Alation, to be held Thursday, March 24 at 1 p.m. ET.

Wellness Tips: Mindfulness

The benefits of mindfulness have become clear in recent years. It can help attendees reduce stress, eat more healthily, and even sleep more deeply.

  • Include a brief meditation session.
  • Provide a focused breathing break.
  • Get them out in nature — or, if that’s not realistic for your event, bring natural elements into the meeting space.

Wellness Tips: Movement

When attendees get to move around, they not only improve their bodies — they also improve their ability to learn and retain information.

  • Extend the fitness center hours so attendees can get a workout in on their own time without having to skip any sessions.
  • Hold fun walk/runs, scavenger hunts or other activities that will get attendees’ blood flowing.
  • Hold a fitness competition, such as who can fit in the most steps over the course of the event.

Wellness Tips: Nutrition

Any meeting professional — or attendees, for that matter — has noticed that dreaded snooze-fest that tends to happen in between the carb-heavy lunch and the sugar-and-caffeine refueling at the mid-session breaks. It doesn’t have to be that way!

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  • Plan meals that contain protein, iron, iodine, and micronutrients such as fatty acids, vitamins and minerals — all of which are proven to help improve learning. Fish, especially salmon, sardines and canned tuna, is a good protein choice because it tends to be high in brain-development aides such as Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin B12, choline and selenium.
  • Include berries (blueberries, strawberries and blackberries are all great choices), along with citrus fruits, nuts and avocados.
  • Give the choco-holics their drug of choice, but make sure it is dark chocolate, which has been shown to reduce mental fatigue as well as boost memory.

Learn more at the upcoming webinar, Increasing ROI by Increasing Wellness, featuring Dave Stevens, Director Global Events & Field Marketing, Alation, Thursday, March 24 at 1 p.m. ET. Attendees receive 1 CEU from The Events Industry Council (EIC) toward their CMP. Register for free here.

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