How to Create a Quiet Room at Your Meeting

Mental health is on everyone’s radar these days. The U.K.-based wellbeing experts at EventWell have created the EventWell Hub, which you can use as a model to carve out a quiet room—a tranquil escape area at meetings and events.

While planners and attendees alike feel great about getting back to face-to-face meetings, pandemic anxiety has made mental heath and wellbeing more important than ever. Creating a quiet room, a place to unwind in the midst of an energized and action-packed meeting environment, can offer attendees a much-needed respite and re-charge.

UK-based EventWell, a charitable enterprise dedicated to prioritizing mental health and wellbeing at meetings and events with a wide range of resources, offers a service that gives planners the tools to create a quiet room. Hub by EventWell includes two types of supervised quiet rooms that give attendees and everyone else involved with the meeting a calm, safe environment in which to take a break and reduce sensory overload.

Quiet Room Models

The Hub Quiet Room has soft cushy furnishings, two meditation stations that include a tablet with noise cancelling headphones and access to meditation apps, an essential oil diffuser, a variety of reading materials, an herbal tea, coffee and fresh fruit station, and a certified EventWell host for supervision and support.

The Hub Wellbeing Lounge expands the quiet environment into a green and garden-like space using a full living wall and artificial turf. EventWell’s design service will customize the lounge and garden to meet the needs of each group. Planners can also add optional services such as wellbeing classes and expert speakers on nutrition, exercise and sleep.

See also  Meetings with a Wellness Touch

EventWell also offers a wide range of specialized wellbeing and mental health resources on its web site.

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