In honor of Earth Day, we dug into our library of green meetings articles.
For Earth Day, don’t miss these 10 favorite articles about incorporating sustainability into your events.
Time to Dump the Swag Bag
All these promotional t-shirts, stress balls and other tchotchkes also tend to be environmentally unfriendly to make and ship, and most of them end up either in the trash or given away. What’s a conference organizer or exhibitor looking for ongoing brand awareness to do? Here are some options you may want to consider.
Is Your Event Certifiably Sustainable?
As sustainability continues to gain ground in the meetings industry, several organizations now offer sustainable meeting certificate programs. Here are just a few you may want to check out.
Sustainable Events Are Big, But Cost is a Limiting Factor
Carbon Offsets for Events: Buyer Beware
Carbon offsets have been one way event organizers have tried to mitigate one of the more difficult-to-solve sustainability sticking points for in-person events — air travel. But choosing the right one can be tricky. Read more.
Low-Impact Food and Beverage
Call it green, organic, or sustainable, no matter what label it wears, this is a burgeoning trend in today’s food and beverage. The emphasis is on farm to table. Read more.
Sustainable Travel Strategies
A few measures companies can take with their meetings and travel programs, from offsetting carbon to getting travelers involved.
5 Tips for Greening Your Supply Chain
When it comes to green meetings, making sure your suppliers have green practices as well is an important part of the equation. Learn more here.
Alternatives to Using PVC at Your Events
If every meeting in the US used one banner, it would be enough vinyl to cover 760 football fields. What can planners do in place of PVC?
Net Zero Carbon Events Launches Roadmap at COP27
A new Roadmap on how to achieve sustainable events gives planners the tools to help save the planet.
Marriott Commits to Net Zero
Marriott has joined the Race to Zero campaign, a global campaign rallying companies, cities, regions and financial and educational institutions, to reach net-zero value chain greenhouse gas emissions by no later than 2050, via the Business Ambition standard for 1.5. Participants must commit to reducing emissions in line with the Paris Agreement, with transparent action plans and near-term targets.
Happy Earth Day!