Infuse Wellness Into Meetings

Include fresh fruit, infused waters, juices, granola bars and yogurt at break times.

The president of the Wellness Tourism Association shares 10 ways to infuse wellness into your meetings and incentive programs.

For some people, maintaining a wellness lifestyle while away from home can be challenging. To help delegates maintain their routines, or assist those who may want to take advantage of the time away to kick-start a new regime, here are 10 ways to infuse wellness into your next multi-day event:

Select a natural setting

Choose a host property with a setting that lets participants take advantage of biofilic—nature’s scientifically proven therapeutic benefits.

Work with your chef

Make sure every meal includes healthful options such as low fat, low sodium, gluten free, vegetarian and vegan selections.

Offer healthful snacks

These include fresh fruit, infused waters, juices, granola bars and yogurt at various break times.

Schedule healthy activities

Include an optional yoga session or brisk walk to lunch each day.

Make sure the host property has a well-equipped gym

Make sure it’s large enough to accommodate attendees who wish to take advantage of the facility.

Make time for a massage

Advise attendees who want to take advantage of stress-managing massages to pre-book to avoid disappointment.

Offer non-alcoholic options

When alcohol is being offered, remember to also include a variety of non-alcoholic beverages.

Get attendees outside

If natural light and fresh air are not available during long sessions, make sure both are accessible during breaks.

Use fitness for teambuilding

Include fitness excursions—such as local hiking, cycling or kayaking—as teambuilding or optional activities.

Don’t over-program

Allow delegates sufficient downtime to just “be.”

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Anne Dimon is president of the Wellness Tourism Association and CEO/Editor of Travel to Wellness.

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