Viking Cruises emphasizes its commitment to cultural exploration by expanding its portfolio of partnerships at cultural institutions across the U.S. this summer.
Viking is particularly known for its immersive destination-focused offerings that take groups off ships to explore local music and cultural traditions of the places the cruise line visits. Its latest sponsorship is of the United States tour of LIBERA, the English boys choir, as well as the Ballet Sun Valley international festival in Idaho. LIBERA already sang at the 2016 christening of Viking Sea, and now the boys choir is on the Viking-sponsored, five-city tour—to St. Louis; Tulsa, Okla.; Houston; Westlake Village, Calif.; and Garden Grove, Calif.—to celebrate its new album “Hope.” The Ballet Sun Valley Summer Festival runs Aug. 21-24, featuring dancers, including Xander Parish, from six of the world’s leading ballet companies. Similar ballet experiences are available onboard Viking’s ocean and river cruises, especially ones throughout Russia.
These latest Viking sponsorships are in addition to the cruise line’s extended sponsorship of the Los Angeles Philharmonic at The Hollywood Bowl, five years running. The Viking concert series begins Aug. 10 and features music by European composers from destinations such as Italy, Germany and Austria that Viking’s river ocean cruises visit.
These partnerships expand upon Viking’s current ones that include National Geographic’s “Genius,” PBS’ MASTERPIECE, TED, The Metropolitan Opera, BBC, Highclere Castle, RHS Chelsea Flower Show, Oslo’s Munch Museum and St. Petersburg’s Mariinsky Theatre.