Vegas Can Host Larger Gatherings

vegas Gatherings of up to 250 can now be held in Las Vegas. Governor Steve Sisolak increased the cap from 50 people to 250 effective October 1.

The new Las Vegas directive and accompanying guidance increases the limit on gatherings from 50 to 250 people or 50 percent of capacity with a limit of 1,000 per group, as long as social distancing can be maintained, and all other requirements can be met.

This opens the door for the return of conventions, conferences, trade shows, and other gatherings.

At larger venues, those with the capacity to accommodate more than 2,500, they are now permitted to host gatherings of 10 percent of their total fixed-seating capacity if they meet certain protocols, which includes providing a large gathering safety plan. Plus, a larger gathering is required to separate attendees by establishing sections of no more than 250 people. The limit is 1,000 per group, not including staff or talent.

“This news is a great first step for our local meeting and convention industries,” said Steve Hill, CEO/president of the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority. “We encourage everyone who visits, works, or lives here to continue taking all the necessary safety and health precautions to allow us to quickly and fully reopen the destination.”

Jaki Baskow, owner of Baskow Talent and Las Vegas Speakers Bureau, has seen an uptick in business. She says she is busy booking speakers and entertainment for 2021 gatherings in Las Vegas.

“Throughout the pandemic, I have been booking virtual speakers but let’s be honest; there is nothing like meeting in person. Las Vegas is such a unique destination, and you can’t meet in a more exciting place. Now that our governor is expanding the number of people who can gather, it’s time to meet once again,” said Baskow.

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More information and resources regarding the state’s updated guidance for safe gatherings is available at More details on these capacity guidelines can be accessed here.

Additionally, the LVCVA has introduced the citywide Meet Smart, Vegas Smart campaign to encourage a responsible return to business.

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