Tools to Navigate the New Normal

new normalThe only constant in the current state of our world is change and navigating the new normal is not easy. As COVID-19 numbers spike, many destinations are increasing the number of people allowed to gather. Where can a planner go to access information that will help? Here are five tools that you may find extremely useful.

Reopening Tracker

Meetings Mean Business has created a tracker that will help navigate the new normal that includes the latest state-by-state protocols for in-person gatherings – including occupancy limits, mask requirements and travel protocols. All details are sourced from each state’s government website. For additional information on meeting exceptions and the most up-to-date regulations per government websites, click on the state name. To access tailored resources and messaging for meetings and event professionals, go to the Meetings Mean Business  COVID-19 toolkit. Click here to access the tracker.

Travel Vitals

American Express Global Business Travel (GBT) offers constantly evolving travel guidance and government requirements. Travel Vitals allows you to search across different components of a trip for information and advisories.


These interactive maps quickly communicate COVID-19 infection and travel restriction intelligence. There is a world map as well as individual country maps broken down to the state and province level, whether domestic travel and business activity are possible or not. As part of Riskline’s response to the pandemic, it is making these maps freely available. Click here to access.

Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic has a U.S. coronavirus map on its website that includes number of new cases per day and total cases. Click here for this valuable tool.

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Coronavirus Tracker

This tool, created by Domo, the Business Cloud, that is updated every ten minutes, includes valuable data including the number of confirmed cases, geography, testing and treatment, projections, and economic impact. Click here to access.

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