My Meeting Planner Role Model Is…

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What I Know, meeting planner, role model, Greg Jenkins, Dianne Devitt, David Jacbosen
What I Know

“My meeting planner role model is the planner who is both organized and detail oriented, but also relaxed about trusting vendors to deliver their services. When I sign on with a planner who is extremely on top of things, it gives me great confidence that my needs as a vendor will be handled, which in turn means the client can have confidence that they will have a successful event. Likewise, when such a planner is hands-off versus micromanaging every detail of how I deliver my services, it allows me the freedom to do what it is I do best, without any undue stress.” —David Jacobson, founder and CEO, TrivWorks

“My meeting planner role model has been those shining stars who are thorough, do amazing work, always are gracious and giving, and are free in sharing and imparting their knowledge with others for the betterment of the entire industry. The bonus is those who support humanitarian causes and can connect to something greater than themselves. That’s what I aspire to be and gravitate to those with these characteristics. In addition, my role models are those who can laugh at themselves and keep it all in perspective. Sometimes we can’t take ourselves too seriously.” —Greg Jenkins, partner at Bravo Productions

“My role models are those who can laugh at themselves and keep it all in perspective. Sometimes we can’t take ourselves too seriously.”

“Jennifer Brown from Meeting Sites Resource was one of my first clients. Her organizational skills down to color-coding and thinking of contingency plans made it a pleasure to work with her—no stone unturned. Stacey Chait from NYU Langone is another who understands the value of having a great team and how to delegate and empower them to perform at their peak. Her skills transcend into efficient time management.” —Dianne Devitt, owner of DND Group

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